Monday, 30 June 2008

return of familiar character

There’s a recognisable comic character emerging in the climate sceptic movement. He’s an elderly man, distinguished in his time, who goes round saying, ‘I think it’s very important to look at this issue rationally.’ As soon as someone expresses a very rational point of view that isn't his own, he splutters, ‘I have seldom heard such a farrago of wishful thinking and muddle’.

Pompous, irascible and reactionary, he’s the modern Colonel Blimp.

pic. Roger Livesey as Colonel Blimp

Sunday, 29 June 2008

modernism and CO2

The problem today is that architects build thin walls with thin materials that cost the earth in carbon emissions.

Saturday, 28 June 2008

contradictory behaviour

The New Yorker film critic Anthony Lane has a grim time watching The Happening. He writes, 'It may be because The Happening is an eco-drama, and that, I regret to say, is a contradiction in terms.'

Oh well. This site is dedicated to contradictory behaviour.

Our list of more than 35 companies in the UK performing eco-dramas is here. Our list of more than 200 eco-productions is here.

Friday, 27 June 2008

if you remember one number


defining moment

We need a definition of 'sustainability', says Christopher Meyer, who goes on to offer one:

'An activity is sustainable when all costs are internalized.'

Thursday, 26 June 2008

far from the holy huddle

Evangelicals make up a quarter of the US population and four years ago nearly 80% of evangelicals voted for George W. Bush. But Frances Fitzgerald reports in the New Yorker that influential pastors have set a new national-policy agenda which is based on a slightly different understanding of the life of Jesus and his ministry to the poor, the outcast and the peacemakers.

These pastors and their congregations lack 'the fundamental resistance to modernist thought, such as distrust of science'. They also represent a shift from individual faith and mutual service ('the holy huddle') to serving the community as a whole. This has resulted, for instance, in the Environmental Climate Initiative, which states:

'Millions of people could die in this century because of climate change, most of them our poorest global neighbours.'

Fitzgerald writes, 'Of all the initiatives the new movement has taken, that on global warming has provoked the most fury from the right.'

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

the guide

More productions than ever about the environment: with shows on climate change, animals, oil, poverty and last year's floods. Our guide to this year's Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

cultural tip

In a questionnaire in today's Guardian, the Life Is Sweet star Jane Horrocks goes back to her roots to answer the question: 'what cultural tip would you give to a tourist?'

Horrocks says, 'See a production by Horse and Bamboo, a puppet theatre in the Rossendale valley, where I'm from.'

Full details about Horse and Bamboo, their ways of working, their vision, and a description of their productions, can be found on the Ashden Directory database.

Monday, 23 June 2008

switch off

The green TV programmes that are now appearing, says the Boston Globe's TV critic, are shallow, self-satisfied, condescending, preachy , supercilious and smug. His advice? Stick with Planet Earth.

Sunday, 22 June 2008

better than good

As Gordon Brown visits Saudi Arabia, the Observer's political columnist Andrew Rawnsley writes, 'Green politics matter now more than ever. It is not woolly to be green at this time. It has never been more hard-headed.' His piece ends, 'Green is better than good. It is smart.'

Saturday, 21 June 2008

where it ends

'First, many of the trees turned a strange brownish-yellow colour and rotted. Then the rice paddies stopped growing and festered in the water. Then the fish floated to the surface of the rivers, gasping. Then many of the animals began to die. Then many of the children began to die.'

Johann Hari reports from Bangladesh on the causes and the impacts of saline inundation.

'It is happening because of us. Every flight, every hamburger, every coal power plant, ends here, with this.'

Friday, 20 June 2008

taking action

'They have decided to take action in the face of huge challenges, displaying not just patience and persistence, but a sense of urgency and determination.'

Nobel Laureate Wangari Maathai on the winners of last night's Ashden Awards.

Thursday, 19 June 2008

the great outdoors

One of tonight's finalists at this year's Ashden Awards is Sandhills Primary School, Oxford. 'Energy is taught throughout the curriculum and sustainability is the theme of the current drama production.'
Case study. The play will be performed in the new grass amphitheatre in the school grounds. Pic of theatre here.

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

real kick

Last month this blog speculated on how theatre might be
more seasonal. Christopher Woodward, director of London's
Museum of Garden History, says, 'There is a real thirst
to bring nature and the seasons back into the concrete city.' He even takes part in his first act of guerrilla gardening. 'There's definitely a real kick, isn't there, to digging up public land?'

Video of some comic street theatre: guerrilla gardeners are planting forget-me-nots (above) one night at the Elephant and Castle roundabout when some policemen arrive and threaten them with arrest for criminal damage to public property.

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

punch lines

Communism produced joke after joke after joke. And, some say, that helped defeat it. Will the same be true for climate change?

Monday, 16 June 2008

next billion

Two takes over the w/e on the cultural impact of the internet. Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia, says,

'If you think the internet has transformed the way we live, the way we work and - crucially - the way we learn about the world, imagine what happens ... when the next billion people come online, as will happen in the next five or 10 years ... What an extraordinary wealth of local knowledge they will bring.' [Article appeared in yesterday's Observer, but not yet online.]

Tyler Cowen, economics prof and Marginal Revolution blogger, gave a talk on Saturday (blogged at Arts Admin) saying the last five years have seen more changes to the way we consume culture than at any other period. Will these changes kill the performing arts? He doesn't think so. At the end the day, people still want to go out.

Sunday, 15 June 2008

the evolving world

J. G. Ballard says that a lot of writers are 'intensely nostalgic'. Take the Angry Young Men. Kingsley Amis, John Osborne and others weren't responding to what was really going on in society.

'The laying down of the M1 was much more important than anything Jimmy Porter's father-in-law thought about this or that. The motorway system had a much bigger influence on freedom and possibility ... I was interested in the evolving world, the world of hidden persuaders, of the communications landscape developing, of mass tourism, of the vast conformist suburbs dominated by television ...'

Saturday, 14 June 2008

not-so-concrete proposal

Alex Wardle writes that his comment ('please don't put anything in concrete') that's quoted below was only repeating a point that had been 'raised in several guises' at the 2006 Theatre Engineering and Architecture Conference.

The American lighting designer Stan Pressner and the NT's production manager Jason Barnes had both made requests for buildings to be as reconfigurable as possible.

Jason Barnes had said, 'Don't pour concrete and don't weld anything.'

Friday, 13 June 2008

sunshine kids

Robert Redford, Cate Blanchett, Edward Norton and Daryl Hannah.
(Click and scroll.)

Thursday, 12 June 2008

conference press

More on the Theatres Trust conference: The Stage covers more ...

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

'most important conference you'll go to'

Some chronological notes from yesterday's Theatres Trust Conference on 'Building Sustainable Theatres' held at the NT's Cottesloe: more ...

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

one thing worse

A few days ago, there was a post on Theatre Ideas suggesting that a useful job for theatre bloggers would be to go to theatre conferences and write them up for people who couldn't be there. more ...

Monday, 9 June 2008

close, but no cigar

In Havana, the Robert Redford character says that 'A butterfly can flutter its wings over a flower in China and cause a hurricane in the Caribbean. They can even calculate the odds.' But apparently that's not what Edward Lorenz, who came up with the idea of the butterfly effect, meant at all.

'It is probability, not certain cause and effect,' writes science journalist Peter Dzikes, 'that now dictates how scientists understand many systems, from subatomic particles to storms.' (H-t: A&L)

Sunday, 8 June 2008

on demand

The rock industry takes steps to turn its audience green. Alison Tickell, director of Julie's Bicycle, says:

'What's interesting is that rather than an industry being led by consumer demands which is the usual way change takes place, the industry itself is saying we have to do something.'

Saturday, 7 June 2008

if the shoe fits

In his day job as chief policy adviser for Greenpeace, says Charlie Kronick, he works on the basis that 'if I know more than the other guy it will somehow change his behaviour.' But he's also a trustee of Cape Farewell, and the arts are different. 'It's not what you know, or who you know, but what you feel.' more ...

Friday, 6 June 2008

question of science

Melvyn Bragg finishes off his In Our Time newsletter this week by asking:

'How is it that every scientist I meet, or have met, over the last few years ... speak of a serious pessimism and distress at the teaching, funding and organisation of science in this country, which for two or three centuries has contributed so astonishingly to the success of pure science and to the invention of the modern world?'

For one answer, see neolithic present and neolithic present (2).

politics as theatre

Andrew Sullivan tells his fellow Atlantic blogger Marc Ambinder why it matters that Barack Obama is light years ahead of his competitors when it comes to public speaking:

'I'm a big believer that politics is about public speaking. I have a Greek understanding of where democracy comes from. It comes from the arena, and speaking in the arena, and changing people's minds in the arena. It is not actually about administration. That's government. Politics is a bigger, broader, more theatrical endeavour.'

And with YouTube, the arena just got a lot bigger.

Thursday, 5 June 2008

hair-shirt on bike

David Hockney sees red when asked about climate change:

'Oh no. Here's another hair-shirt person coming towards me and telling me to ride a bicycle. I blame computers. They can make predictive models of anything, and tell us we're all heading towards doom. But in our grandparents' day, what do you think people were worrying about? Hellfire and eternal damnation caused by our bad conduct. Global warming has just replaced God. Something to feel guilty about. The new religion.'

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

twin cultures

Art meets science: a New Yorker article about John Milton opens with the 30-year-old poet's meeting with Galileo in 1638.

Science meets art: an exhibition of astrophotography.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

elegant variations

The playwright Charlotte Jones got the idea for the central character of her play Humble Boy when she heard the physicist Brian Greene talk on the radio about his book The Elegant Universe. (I wrote about it here.) Now The Elegant Universe has inspired a ballet.

Monday, 2 June 2008

putting the boot (room) in

In a documentary about one of the Cape Farewell trips to the Arctic, the novelist Ian McEwan reflected on (a) trying to see climate-change from the POV of the polluter and (b) the not-entirely selfless behaviour he witnessed in the boot room.

It sounds as if the latter has really caught his imagination.

Sunday, 1 June 2008

una scomoda verità

First reaction to news that La Scala's to stage Al Gore's power-point movie is: doesn't sound very dramatic. (No love songs - except to the planet.)

Second reaction to news: what could be more dramatic?

(There's an even chance of one billion people being short of water by 2050.)

Third reaction: it's genius to do something so obvious.

The composer of the new opera Una scomoda verità, Giorgio Battistelli (above), says that artists:

'make you see things differently, make you see things in a new light. When we see a painting by Francis Bacon or a film of Sydney Pollack, we get a very precise idea of the problems of our century'.