Thursday, 27 May 2010

more on edge of deepwater

The current issue of the LRB sees 'industry money and government collusion' behind the oil spill (see blog below). In the current issue of the New Yorker, Elizabeth Kolbert even turns on Obama:

Obama inherited an Interior Department that he knew to be plagued by corruption, but he allowed the department’s particularly disreputable Minerals Management Service to party on. Last spring, in keeping with its usual custom, the M.M.S. granted BP all sorts of exemptions from environmental regulations.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

edge of deepwater

In 1985, the BBC broadcast an acclaimed six-part thriller Edge of Darkness, starring Bob Peck. It had a script by Troy Kennedy Martin and music by Eric Clapton. For the LRB's David Bromwich, the high-level environmental corruption at the centre of the story finds a clear parallel today:

The Deepwater Horizon blowout and BP oil spill, now starting its work of destruction on the coastal wetlands of Louisiana, was another case of industry money and government collusion indifferent to the public welfare.

See also: more on edge of deepwater

Monday, 24 May 2010

the rachel whitereads in the sky

My piece about how you can prove global warming in your own kitchen (and why we need more simple illustrations like this of science) has just appeared online at More Intelligent Life:

We put 26 gigatonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere each year. Twenty-six times a thousand million tonnes is an impossible number to imagine, but it’s not impossible to picture a single tonne of CO2. It’s somewhere between the size of the sculptor Rachel Whiteread’s 'Ghost', in which she cast a Victorian parlour in plaster, and Whiteread’s Turner-prizewinning 'House' (above), in which she filled a Victorian house with concrete. Each year we’re putting something like 26 thousand thousand thousand Rachel Whitereads into the sky. It’s just that you can’t see them.

Friday, 21 May 2010

no, prime minister

The Evening Standard reports tonight on the new stage production of Yes, Prime Minister at Chichester, which the paper gives "***".  This stage version of the TV hit, apparently, finds the PM Jim Hacker caught up in a scandal that involves, among other issues, global warming.

Of course, one of the co-authors of Yes, Prime Minister, Antony Jay, has also appeared on the back cover of Nigel Lawson's book on global warming making the claim (just as comic to some) that the book is 'an independent hard-headed examination of the realities of climate change'.

Monday, 17 May 2010

representing the unrepresentable

In this guest post, Kellie Payne, reports on Bruno Latour's recent talk at the Tate.

The French sociologist Bruno Latour gave the keynote address at this month's Tate Britain’s symposium Beyond the Academy: Research as Exhibition. His address considered the environmental crisis as a particular challenge which would require natural history, art museums and academia to join forces. The challenge, he said, was that "climate change is currently unrepresentable".

In an effort to address this, Latour has embarked on a number of projects. One is the School of Political Arts at the Sciences Po in Paris. The school, which will be formally launched this year, will bring together young professionals in the social sciences and arts to attempt to represent the political problem of climate change. Latour says the school will “not join science, art and politics together, but rather disassemble them first and, unfamiliar and renewed, take them up again afterwards, but differently.” more ...

us versus them

In this Living on Earth interview, recommended in a comment today, E O Wilson elaborates on the similarities between humans and ants, which he has dramatised in his newly-published novel Anthill:

Wilson: It's true that many of the problems that arise in the human condition come from having strict group identity, it appears to be a deep instinct of people to belong to a group and the tendency then for us to not only belong to a group and get the security of belonging to a group, but for groups to be in contest with one another in one form or another. And for us to have powerful emotional response to our group—

Interviewer:  Not just us, but us versus them is the—

Wilson: Us versus them is the binary—ants have a parallel.

Friday, 14 May 2010

dare do all that may become a baboon

Alexander McCall Smith has written the libretto for an opera about baboons. The story takes its theme from Macbeth. McCall Smith says:

Female baboons clearly have some Lady Macbeth issues. They all have male baboons that they want to become more alpha.

up the garden path

Gardener's Question Time has been on since 1947. If they haven't answered every question yet, gardening must be basically impossible.

Tweet from @DanRebellato

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

irony of the age

Orville Schell reviews the latest literature on climate change:

it is one of the great ironies of our age that even in the midst of the “Information Technology Revolution,” which daily inundates us with vast quantities of information that are supposed to inform and liberate us, we are still unable to synthesize it so as to galvanize ourselves for action.

Friday, 7 May 2010

summer time

The English summer arrives some 18 days sooner than during the late 1950s.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

art and politics

If politicians were painters, with FDR as Titian and Churchill as Rubens, then Attlee would be the Vermeer of the profession: precise, restrained—and long undervalued. Bill Clinton might aspire to the heights of Salvador Dalí (and believe himself complimented by the comparison), Tony Blair to the standing - and cupidity - of Damien Hirst.

In the arts, moral seriousness speaks to an economy of form and aesthetic restraint ...

Tony Judt, 'Austerity', (NYRB)

Sunday, 2 May 2010

open fridges

One of Helen Simpson's new stories, that appears in her climate-change collection In-Flight Entertainment, imagines a diarist in 2040 looking back with wistful memories of life in the age of fossil fuels. The things that are missing from 2040 (according to this review) include:

condoms, iTunes, Google, hot water, open fridges full of tiger prawns and fillet steak.