Wednesday, 25 July 2012

New on our news page

Stephen Emmott in Ten Billion
Nowhereisland, a nomadic landscape moving through the landscapes of the southwest, starts its journey today at Weymouth.

The Ten Billion lecture continues at the Royal Court in London.

Ten days to the start of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, with over 100 shows with ecological themes: dance, theatre, kids, comedy, exhibitions.

Creative Carbon Scotland and Festivals Edinburgh add four events to the Fringe on greening the arts.
Volcano Theatre and the Centre for Alternative Technology will host the Emergence Summit in Wales, approached with a five-day walk.

Julie's Bicycle and Creu Cymru set out to green 42 Welsh theatres and arts venues. 

Monday, 23 July 2012

Culture and Ecology at the Edinburgh Book Festival

Doug Allan Picturing Polar Bears
Kellie Gutman writes:
This year's Edinburgh International Book Festival takes place from 11-27 August. One of the themes is 'Drawing on our Resources', in which writers ponder attitudes toward nature, food, and using our natural resources.  Another major theme is 'Odysseys', which covers journeys writers have taken within England and beyond.  Among the listings from these two areas - Fred Pearce talks about swathes of land being bought up by foreign countries, raising fears of food shortages in The Land Grabbers; Karl Miller of the London Review of Books recounts his passion for the countryside in the walks he took with his friends Seamus Heaney and Andrew O'Hagan; Doug Allan presents photos of the Arctic and Antarctic from his book Freeze Frame.  These and many others are listed in  our picks of the Festival.  There has been a large demand for bookings since tickets went on sale.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Greening Shakespeare

The Very Merry Wives of Windsor, Iowa.  Jun 6 - October 13 at the
Oregon Shakespeare Festival

Kellie Gutman writes:

The Oregon Shakespeare Festival was founded in 1935 and is one of the oldest and largest non-profit theatres in the United States.  They operate over an eight-and-a-half-month schedule, with eleven plays, three theaters and 780 performances.  Approximately 400,000 persons are in attendance at their facility in Ashland, Oregon.  The OSF has an operating budget of $26 million.

Katie Gomez, Physical Plant Assistant, is the Green Task Force Coordinator. When asked how the OSF promotes 'greening' their operations, she writes:

OSF has a long list of things we do to be more sustainably aware and green.  Besides recycling paper, one of the easiest things to do here, we are now recycling batteries, some plastics, and a multitude of items used in building sets.  Many costumes are reworked from many made before, from our vast warehouse of costumes.  We do not sell plastic bottles of water anymore - a container given or purchased is filled from fountains.  The Scene Shop uses denim insulation.  We use CFL whenever possible.  As soon as LED's are more affordable, we will switch to those.  In some instances we do use them now.  This is just the tip of what we do here.  We are constantly trying to do more.

Katie added that although they have not done a production that is specifically "green", the Green Task Force is working on promoting this idea to the Artistic Staff.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

New on our news page

from TEN THOUSAND WAVES by Isaac Julien
It's all talk.

The artist Isaac Julien is in conversation with the academic David Harvey on choreographing capital at the Hayward

Handspring UK discuss puppetry and Crow with dramaturg Jane Taylor at University of London.

Ackroyd & Harvey talk about trees with The Economist's Oliver Morton, Robert Holtom of Eradicating Ecocide, and Edward Parker, photographer, in the Front Room at the QEH.

LIFE BOAT, by the Institute for Crazy Dancing, puts people in the ribs of a boat to talk together about migration, ethics and sustainability, at the National Theatre and touring.