Friday, 27 April 2012

Soap operas for social change

The Archers, courtesy BBC
Kellie Gutman writes;

The BBC have looked into soap operas as agents for social change and have discovered in some cases they have changed the world.  From the longest-running program, The Archers, which encouraged farmers in the 1950s to increase production by trying out new techniques, to a BBC radio program in Afghanistan, called New Home, on women's rights, which taught listeners how to avoid land mines, the soap opera has had a significant influence.

A two-part programme on Your World (part 1, 21 April; part 2, 28 April) can be heard here.

Monday, 23 April 2012

New on our news page

from Noye's Fludde

The comedy Thin Ice is inspired by the  'weather wars' between Britain and Germany over Arctic bases for predicting weather patterns and involves a thawing body.

In Wales, young people give a climate changing update to Benjamin Britten's Noye's Fludde.

Paradise Lost is the inspiration for a new church opera by Jonathan Dove, The Walk from the Garden, at the Salisbury Festival.

In Brussels, KAAI Theater hosts five days of performances, films, exhibitions and talks on cities, food, bicycles, farms, extinction, bees, rivers and the sound of pollen.

Make do and mend it at a symposium in the Lake District.

Proposals are wanted for a residency in Andalucía showing how the environment reacts to light in the desert.

Storytellers are walking to Canterbury. The call is out for new, green Canterbury Tales for the journey.

Friday, 13 April 2012

New on our news page

from Occupy Everything by kennardphillipps

Science, theatre and population will get added together in Ten Billion at the Royal Court, directed by Katie Mitchell.

Sport and art meet the mountain in NVA's Speed of Light. Runners are in training while ticketing opens for the walking audience.

The graphics of Occupy Everything by kennardphillips are on show in London.

In Liverpool, twelve artists send work back from the Galápagos.

'Hinterlands' explores a Welsh landscape in a workshop on movement and environment.

David Abram's talk at the Sensory Values event in Edinburgh is online.