How much more interested are we in the first signs of spring than the first signs of winter? Here are the stats when you search on Google for the following phrases:
"Signs of spring" 1,120,000
"Sign of spring" 6,540,000
"Signs of summer" 893,000
"Sign of summer" 183,000
"Signs of fall" 344,000
"Sign of fall" 386,000
"Signs of autumn" 221,000
"Sign of autumn" 219,000
"Signs of winter" 136,000
"Sign of winter" 328,000
Add the "sign" and "signs" for each season (and combine the totals for "autumn" and "fall") and you get:
Spring 7,660,000
Summer 1,076,000
Fall/Autumn 1,170,000
Winter 464,000
The result? There is seven times more interest in spring than in summer. There is six and a half times more interest in spring than in autumn and there is a whopping 16.5 times more interest in the arrival of spring than the arrival of winter.
Biodiversity loss in all species and every ecosystem linked to humans –
Sweeping synthesis of 2,000 global studies leaves no doubt about scale of
problem and role of humans, say experts
Humans are driving biodiversity loss am...
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