Just got email saying 'dandelion', 'heron', 'otter', 'magpie', 'willow' and 'acorn' have been dropped from the 6000 words in Oxford Junior Dictionary.
Google 'tweets' and 'carbon footprint'. The figures are here.
(Get tweet asking: 'post less, and save the environment?')
I knew Al Gore was on twitter. Turns out he's written two tweets this year, totalling 13 words.
In TLS, Richard Dawkins sticks up for scientists: 'thunder is not the sound of God's balls banging together'.
Hertz right. Zadie S on polyvocal Obama brilliantly draws on Shaw, Shakespeare, Keats and Cary G.
New Yorker's H. Hertzberg begs us to drop what we're doing and read Zadie Smith on Obama.
Reading George Lakoff's Don't Think Of An Elephant. People think in frames, if the facts don't fit the frame, the facts bounce off and the frame remains.
'Privacy grows round him/like fur on a hibernating bear.' From Ruth Padel's Darwin - A Life in Poems
Young country diary: A sky full of geese is an awe-inspiring sight
*North Norfolk:* Every morning, an endless flow of pink-footed geese passes
overhead. Their comings and goings define the day
The first thing you hear is...
6 hours ago
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